28 February 2023

Get ready for Spring Cleaning!



Spring is a time of renewal and a chance to freshen up our homes and lives. While the cold winter fades away and the warmer temperatures of spring approach, so too does the dreaded task of spring cleaning. That’s right – the time to gather supplies, de-clutter and organize, dust, and shine every corner of your home is upon us.

Getting ready for spring cleaning can often feel like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few tips and tricks, you can make your spring cleaning much easier and more enjoyable. Here are a few ideas to help you get ready for your spring cleaning:

Plan Ahead: The key to successful spring cleaning is having the right supplies on hand and taking the time to make a plan. Consider making yourself a spring cleaning checklist of items that need to be done and then make sure you have all the supplies you’ll need to make the job easier.

De-clutter and Organize: Before you start scrubbing and dusting, start with de-cluttering. Sort through your belongings and decide what to keep and what to donate, sell, or discard. During this process, take a few moments to consider how you can better organize your home to make cleaning and everyday living more efficient.

Dust and Shine: With the de-cluttering and organizing done, you can begin to dust and shine every surface of your home. Make sure to get into those hard-to-reach spots, since those are often the places that need the most attention. For floors, consider a family-friendly natural floor cleaner.

Refresh the Furniture and Decor: While you’re dusting, take the time to also freshen up your furniture and decor. Check for stains or worn spots, and consider washing all linens, including curtains and blankets. You can also switch up your decor for a fresh spring look and give your home an entirely new feel.

With a little planning, organizing and cleaning, you’ll have your home looking clean and refreshed for the spring season. And who knows, you may even find joy in the process of spring cleaning!